Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm not that crazy, really.

Happy Friday. In honor of the greatest that is two days off of work, I thought I would share something that happened to me this week which made my life a better place.

A couple of days ago I was at work sitting at my desk squishing myself into a much too small spot so the bug man could spray around the walls and under my desk when I got a card from an amazing friend of mine which caused me to burst out crying. (Note: I am a girl, it often doesn't take much to get that sort of response out of me. A card, a good sale, bad Mexican food all produce equal results in my world...)

So the bug guy looks up at me like I'm insane (Which I am not arguing against, I'm just noting he was actually brave and/or stupid enough to look at a crazy person LIKE they were crazy..) because I have tears pouring down my face and my makeup is all runny.

This is an uncomfortable spot for both of us. I normally don't let people know I'm insane for at least a week or two, (sometimes if I don't like them I drag it out longer- it makes it more fun when they never see it coming) so I blink a few times and trying to lighten the mood a little I make a joke, "It's the bugs, I'm just so sad for them".. He laughs a little, I laugh a little, and go back to work. (Okay, I go back to the internet, he went back to work, same same.)

A few minutes later when he is getting ready to leave he brings me the invoice for the spraying and looks at me with the more serious expression and goes "Hey, I'm really sorry about the bugs..I really don't think they suffer much" and leaves, leaving me staring at the door.

He was- dead serious. More importantly- he thought I was dead serious.

I waited till he walked out to break out into hysterical laughter.


Jaymie said...

ROFL,you have to move next door and be my newest BFF.

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