Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm the same in any language...

For those of you who don't know- I am studying Arabic. It's a surprise for Mr. Ninja. On my list of things he would probably prefer that I do (Right under: Stop storing extra fat like we are bears about to face an ice age, and right above: Stop punching him in his sleep <--- this one is a secret!) is become more 'worldly'.

The world however turns out to be a very large place full of people who don't speak English and aren't nearly as interested in my becoming worldly as I am. The internet on the other hand is full of people who are not above amusing themselves at my expense and can quite easily be talked into all sorts of messes. The most important of these turns out to be teaching Arabic over the computer to someone like me. Someone who apparently thinks shock is comical and prefers her jokes dryer than the hole they test tampons in.. (Note: I was just assuming they test them, it's not as if I've ever had a part time job doing this, or got paid to be a part of some clinical trial, they probably use crash test dummys or something... Note to self: Research this, immediately.)

Anyway, today my tutor (Who is Arabic, obviously) let me pick my own phrases to get the proper pronunciation of this week after having learned all the obligatory "I don't speak your language but I'm going to pretend I do" phrases, and while running off a long list that I had been struggling with, I threw in "Everybody listen up, I've got a bomb!!!!"...


Best awkward silence ever.


Jaymie said...

LOL, worldly indeed!

I am not the ninja you were looking for said...

Oh you know you are dying to travel abroad with me!

Just be sure we have a list of all embassy's handy..

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